As previously announced, we are changing the underlying content management system of this website in the New Year. The current system - Drupal 6 - is now very out of date, so we are moving to WordPress, which is more or less the industry standard. This will enable us to implement more sphisticated modules for online membership management and flexible payment options for subscriptions and events.
When this change is implemented, we will only transfer accounts for those that have renewed for 2024. Our recent email campaigns and a special offer for 2022 and 2023 susbscribers, has been broadly successful, but there is still some way to go.
If you do not renew for 2024, your details will still be held on an offline database, which we may use for occasional emails. You will still, of course, be able to re-register if you wish to rejoin in the future.
If you were a subscriber in 2022 or are a current 2023 subscriber, we are extending the special offer of £25 for 2024 renewal to the end of November, so please take advantage of this by emailing us as soon as possible.
We have an exciting Zoom programme for next year as well as a two-day face to face meeting to celebrate our 15th year in July, for which 2024 subscribers will be substantially subsidised.
We would be delighted if you continue to be a member for next year and the future!
Thank you!
Jonathan Middle 23.11.23