AQMLM Zoom meetings are routinely recorded, both audio and video. Pdf copies of the slides used during the meeting may also be made available if agreed by the presenters.
Those who participate (including unregistered colleagues of registered participants who observe the meeting) are deemed to give their consent to recordings and their subsequent publication on an unlisted AQMLM YouTube Channel, accessible only to those with the link.
Once published, recordings will essentially be in the public domain, even though access is restricted. Participants are individually responsible for comments made during the meeting and must ensure that nothing they communicate may be traceable to a patient or to an adverse incident at their employing instiutution, as this might lead to disciplinary or legal action. AQMLM Directors reserve the right to delete any content which they consider to be sensitive or offensive or which might damage the reputation of AQMLM.
Access to recordings and copies of the slides is governed by the following rules and fees:
- All registered participants, including those who were unable to attend, may request the recording link and/or copies of the slides free of charge
- AQMLM members with current subscriptions who did not register may request the recording link and/or copies of the slides for a fee of £20.00 per recording. Purchase information is the Past events page
- Non-member visitors must send a request through the Contact form giving their full name, email address, telephone number, job title and place of work, and provide the reason for their request. AQMLM Directors will assess the request and respond accordingly. The fee for the link and/or copies of the slides is £60.00 per meeting. Details are on the Past events page
- It is a condition of access to the recording links or copies of thr slides that persons provided with them do not share them beyond colleagues in quality and/or senior management teams at their place of work and that they are used for the explicit purpose of quality improvement at their place of work
- The showing of AQMLM Zoom meeting recordings or slides by persons provided with the link or slides pdf to larger groups, is not permitted unless with the explicit permission of the AQMLM Chair on each and every occasion
- The showing of AQMLM Zoom meeting recordings or slides by persons provided with the link or slides pdf to anyone for financial gain is absolutely forbidden
Version 2.2, 23rd October 2021