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DrJon2010's blog

New Year update

Hi everyone

I hope you all had a good break!  Regrettably mine was rather stressful for a number of reasons which I won't go into here, which explains why I have been rather slow in getting going with AQMLM activities this year.  My apologies for this.

Suppliers Meeting Presentations - these will go on a special page soon after which I will send a link to all attendees so that they can access them.

Season's Greetings!

All of us in the AQMLM team wish all our members and website account holders a Happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year!


Special Offer for next year's events!

Important news for those wishing to attend next year's events!  We are offering a '3 for the price of 2' special offer for the Seminars on 11th March, 13th May and 8th July!
The offer will appear on the Forthcoming events page of the website in the New Year - it is not accessible yet.  The conditions for this offer are as follows:

David Burnett's new book

David's new book

'A Practical Guide to ISO 15189 in Laboratory Medicine'

is now available from ACB Venture Publications, but we have made a bulk order so that copies can be made available for purchase at our events.  

Post IBMS and other issues


I am 'relaxing' today, catching up with some back burner things and thinking about all the conversations we had at the stand at IBMS this week.  Thank you for all who came to see us, and thanks also to Mark Smith and Jayne Fowler for helping me man the Stand.  We had 120 new contacts, all of whom will be emailed in due course, once I have entered their details into my spreadsheet!

Membership Renewals - clarification!


Yesterday (10th September), automated renewal notices went out about the expiration of AQMLM full membership on 30th September.  This may have caused some confusion to those who had read my blogs about recent event attendees being granted full membership until September 30th 2014.

I sent out clarification emails to all concerned and then manually updated the accounts of all those who attended the 2nd July Workshop.  I will do the same for attendees of next Monday's Workshop after the event next week and advise them accordingly.

Events and Membership Fees - more exciting news!


AQMLM Directors have agreed that the upgrade to full AQMLM membership for the remainder of the subscription year (1st October to 30th September) when non-members purchase events (see my blog of the 26th May 2013), will now be extended to include the following year if the event is within three months of the end of the year.

Audit Workshop registrations


I have announced on the event page that there are 9 places remaining for the 16th September Audit Workshop.  This assumes that six people who are on the reserve list will not take up their places as they have not replied to my emails.

I will be bulk emailing current members and recent ex-members next week to fill these places, so please do not leave it too late to register!



16th September Repeat Audit Workshop

This Workshop is now open - please go to the Forthcoming Events Page.

There are a few things to note:

Audit Workshop reserve list email


I have recently emailed everyone who has contacted me about the repeat audit workshop on the 16th September and who were on my reserve list.

If you have not received this email either directly or indirectly thgrough a colleague who added your name to their email, please contact us immediately so that we can ensure your place is reserved.



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