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DrJon2010's blog

Audit Theory & Practice Workshop 17th September 2015

Hi All

Registration is now open for the 17th September 2015 Workshop: "Audit Theory & Practice".  

This is a repeat of March's event, but we are changing the format of the afternoon session.  This will be a group audit exercise, where groups of 6-8 will be presented with some scenarios and asked to create an audit plan.  They will then be given further information and asked to discuss outcomes and further action.

Availability of meeting presentations to full members

Dear All,

Directors have agreed that we will now make pdfs of meeting presentations available to full members who did not attend free of charge one year after the meeting.  Full details are on the Downloads page.

We hope this will be a useful addition to full member benefits.

Regards to all.


AQMLM members-only group on LinkedIn

Deal all

Many of you will know about and may already be members of LinkedIn - an online networking tool for professionals.

At yesterday's AGM, Directors felt it would be useful to AQMLM members if we created a closed members-only group on Linkedin, to facilitate networking between members and rapid exchange of knowledge and experience in a much more dynamic way.  

Changes to purchasing arrangements

Dear colleagues

After extensive discussion at yesterday's AGM, Directors have reluctantly taken the decision no longer to allow organisations to request invoices with a purchase order.  

This decision results from a number of Hospitals and Trusts delaying payments for several months and the increased time and effort we have to expend responding to enquiries and chasing payments.  We are currently over £1,000 in arrears with payments for the last two meetings.

Next events and special offer!

Dear Colleagues

Registration is now open for the 10th March Audit Workshop - please go to the Forthcoming Events page for details.

We are repeating our '3 for 2' special offer again this year.  The rules for this are as follows:

End of year message

Dear members and colleagues,

All of us here at AQMLM would like to thank all of you for supporting the Association this year and contributing to the success of our events!

We are looking forward to 2015 with energy and enthusiasm that we hope you will share!  Planning for all the events on the Forthcoming Events page is in progress, so it should be an exciting year!

With best wishes for a Happy Christmas and peaceful New Year!

AQMLM team.


Symposium Registration


After an inexplicable 'glitch' this morning, I have now opened registration for the 12th November "Impact of the Barnes Review on Quality Management" Symposium!

Places are likely to go quite quickly, so early registration is recommended.

Best wishes



Membership expiry & renewal


I have manually expired all those whose membership expires tomorrow, as last year this did not seem to work automatically!

There are a few people whose membership has been extended to next year and they have already been informed by email.

Online payment problem


Just a heads-up that a glitch has occurred following some changes we made to our PayPal account settings recently.  On checkout, the option to pay with a credit card seems to have disappeared!

We are on the case and hope to have this sorted out before the subscription year ends and the Symposium registration opens.

Please bear with us!



David Burnett's Book Highly Commended


I thought you would like to know that David's book - A Practical Guide to ISO 15189 in Laboratory Medicine, ACB Venture Publications, 2013 ISBN: 9780902429499 - was highly commended in the BMA Medical Book Awards.  

Go to the link below and scroll down to the Basis of Medicine category.

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Dr. Radut